Wednesday, May 9, 2012

School Pictures

Jacob had {spring} school pictures made a couple of weeks ago, and we finally got the proofs back.  
Ready to laugh smile? :)

I promise you we fixed his wig hair before we left the house.  I'm talking hair gel and all!
for real?  this background?

Wait, it gets better!
I cannot stop laughing!  I'm tempted to buy this one and compare it with his senior pictures :)

But really... does this not melt your heart?  It sure does my momma-bear heart :)

And because I like a comparison, here is the first of the year's picture alongside the most recent.
again, that is not fuzz on his blue sweater, it's dust from the scanner - ha! :)
Is this the same kid?!?!

I know this is just Pre-K, but goodness he looks so grown up!
Where is my baby?!


Kelley said...

Those are so good! I love it! They do look like senior portraits.

Kelley said...
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kimmie said...

That cutie pie can make any cheesy background look great!! He has grown so much since the beginning of the school year and I can't believe he is going into Kindegarten!!!

Jessica said...

So sweet! : ) Where in NWA are you?
You should email me!!