Friday, April 6, 2012

Razorback Canvas

I came across this post with super detailed instructions on how to paint your own Razorback canvas.  
I thought I would make one for Jacob's bedroom.  And when I say I, I mean me and Kris.  :)

It was definitely a team effort!  I hate anything that involves math, so he measured and drew all the squares for me to make them equal and he centered and traced the Razorback - who knew to use a car magnet!

There are many imperfections, but I think it gives it character.  :)
Not too shabby!

Now don't start saying I need to open my own Etsy shop.  :)
I have patience like a 2yr old, and a steady hand like a 90yr old, so you'll just have to give it a try. ha! :)


Unknown said...

I think it looks fabulous! Great work! :)I love your striped border!

Building a House of Love

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