Friday, December 16, 2011

Christmas Program

We woke up today finding Henry having fun!  :)

It was also Jacob's Christmas Program at school.
Weren't we just at the Thanksgiving one??

I hate that this picture is dark, but I thought it was so sweet they were holding hands walking in.

"Silent Night"  

Daydreaming :)

"Feliz Navidad"

Thank you Meme for watching Levi while I took pictures and Kris videotaped :)

We ended the day lining up every stuffed animal we own and tucking them in their spot :)


Kelley said...

It does seem like it was just Thanksgiving! What an awesome performance. I love the songs they chose. Very fun for the kids. I love the picture of Levi and your Mom.

Anonymous said...

We felt the same way about our son's performances!

The Robinsons said...

cute pics! what i noticed first was how clean your ceiling fan was. :)

Jessica said...

What sweet memories! I love all of his "babies" in his bed- such a cutie pie! : ) Yes! I'll have to share that recipe.. so easy and cheap!