Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Funny Jacob Stories

Kris took Jacob to daycare this morning, they had an interesting conversation in the car:

J: Daddy I'm hungry
K: OK, you'll get breakfast when we get to school
J: I want chicken

Tonight I was giving Jacob a bath:

Me: Washing Jacob's legs
J: Careful mommy, my peepee

And lastly, tonight I was ironing my clothes, and I heard Jacob say Cheerios, I want Cheerios. I got there a little too late as seen below. At least he had the thought to grab a plate.


Beth said...

those stories cracked me up. Then when i saw the cherrios i lol. That Jacob. I love him, he doesn't love me :(

Jammie said...

How CUTE! This is so funny!

The Robinsons said...

i always like me a little chicken for breakfast.