I have the funniest story to tell. I hope after you read it, it's not one that you "had to be there", because it makes me laugh every time I envision it.
Ok... Jacob & I went to Target today, and we parked in our usual spot. The parking lot off to the right where it's mostly empty, like it was today. I saw a cart a couple of spots over from my car, so I got out, walked over to the cart, brought it back and put my purse in, then my keys on top of my purse, then Jacob's bag (of snacks, diapers, etc). I leaned in to unbuckle Jacob and I think I might have even tickled him before getting out of the car. When I finally arose out of the car with him, I looked around, and I see no cart! It's because my cart had been taken off by the wind, and was seriously doing 15mph in the deserted parking lot on a mission. I said (out loud), "Jacob, there goes our cart!!" I looked around to see if anyone was laughing because I began to laugh, and could not stop. I even debated getting back into the car, and going after the cart because it was sooooooo far away from us by now. It finally came to an abrupt hault after hitting the curb, and I just knew my keys and everything else were air born! I told Jacob to hold my hand, and we took off in the parking lot in a mini-sprint. On the way, I was thinking "please let my keys be there", which they were. I wish I had a picture to take of the cart all by its lonesome, but my camera was in my purse... in the cart! HA :)
Happy 22nd Birthday, Sarah!
2 days ago
i'm chick-fil-a laughing.
oh my goodness! that totally sounds like something that would happen to me!
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