Sunday, December 21, 2008

No particular title in mind

I seriously cannot get motivated to a). wrap the few gifts I've already bought and b). finish buying what's left (i.e. Kris). I don't know why I wait till the last minute because I'm not a fan of crowds and lines, but who is.

On a happier note: I am happy to report that Jacob can recognize and say all the letters of the alphabet except for Q and W. I've been drawing the letters one at a time on his doodle pro and when I draw a Q, his answer is "apple". I think he thinks that's a stem. And I think the W gives him trouble because it has more than one syllable. Oh well, how often do we use the Q & W anyway. :)

I cannot believe this year is almost over. I've been saying this has been the fastest year that I can recall. It seems there's been something to celebrate and/or anticipate since the first of the year - Jacob's 1st birthday, Kris' NWACC graduation (and who is now attending John Brown), the arrival of sweet baby Luke. And everything else that's fallen in between. Now a new year is about to begin. Which means I get to start planning Jacob's 2nd birthday. Just kidding, I have till March. :)

You know I like to post pics, but again, I'm using the "backup" laptop that refuses to work with me on loading pictures. Hopefully the real deal will be back soon.

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