This has been the craziest week ever. It all started last Friday when Jacob became sick with a sinus infection, so we took care of him all weekend. Then Monday came and we thought OK, he needs to see a doctor. He got on an antibiotic and went back to daycare on Thursday.
However, around late Tuesday I got the sniffles which then turned into a full-blown allergy attack. But that was soon followed by a crazy roller coaster fever and body aches and cough and you name it. I thought I was getting better Thursday, but I woke up today and thought I HAVE to go to the doctor.
I was at the clinic at 8am and there was already a line. Luckily I only waited 10mins if that. They did a flu swab and it was confirmed type A FLU! Uh hello, H1N1!! They put a mask on me, which I had to wear walking back out through the lobby but I didn't care. I could not believe that! I actually feel better than I have all week, so hopefully the worst is over.
Oh, and on top of this, my precious niece Kate was admitted to the hospital on Tuesday with Type B Flu and spent too many days/nights there. Happy to report she's home now.
What a whirl wind week! Ready to be completely healed! And hopefully not give anything to Jacob or Kris.
Oh, in the midst of all of this, we tried on Jacob's Halloween costume and it's too tight and too short. However, I didn't really mind because I knew that we probably wouldn't be doing Halloween this year since there's been sickness in our house. But the thought of not having at least a picture of him in costume for the files seems inconceivable. I may go to Walmart and get one once their marked down (HA!).
At least one of us will be in costume. :)
Happy 22nd Birthday, Sarah!
2 weeks ago